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Fermi Labs

Fermi Labs is located in Batavia, Illinois, about 40 miles west of Chicago.  Sited on prairie land, the lab explores the "mysteries of matter, energy, space, and time," putting it in the same business as the late Leon Russell, who was the Master of Space and Time.  And you know, there isn't really much difference between physics and music, its all about gaps in space, timing, acceleration, and deceleration.  

Fermi Labs is part of the U.S. Government of Energy, which currently is headed by Secretary Rick Perry, a frightening proposition.  The complex includes seven accelerators.  I asked whether it was possible to go underground to photograph them, but I was assured no one wants to go underground to pits filled with snakes--I assume that was tongue in check.  Apparently there isn't much to see.  The particles are going at close to the speed of light, so you would need a really fast shutter if they let you in the accelerator.  I did overhear one guide describing a 500+ megapixel camera that the Fermi scientists had built, so you Phase One folks should save your pennies.  100 megapixels is nothing.

Although I could not go inside an accelerator, I was able to get an overview from the 15th floor observation area in the Robert Wilson building.  The accelerator is underneath a circular mound.  Every 50 years or so, there is a door built into the mound wall that must provide access to engineers and technicians. 

Unfortunately the sky was not very interesting yesterday, so I will be headed back out to photograph Wilson Hall again.  I suspect the best time to photograph this building is in summer, after 5PM, when the setting sun will light the white cement.  Yesterday also proved problematic because it was Tom Skilling weather day, so the parking lots and front of the Wilson Hall were cluttered with ugly cars.  Yuk.

And if you don't like some of the angles in the following photographs, I am unwilling to enter areas that have huge red and white signs posted, "Authorized Personnel Only Beyond This Point."  I am not interested in being prosecuted by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  For you junior photographers, I did call the media office before heading out to find out what was permissible.