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A Discovery

The copyright (2017) displayed on the bottom of this photograph is not a mistake.  Every once in awhile I look at old files, only to discover a gem that I rejected earlier.  It is one of the reason that the Magnum contact sheets are so interesting, although I don't claim to be of Magnum caliber.

I am pretty good about transferring everything to hard drive, and I may have transferred the series of photographs that accompanied this image to hard drive, but I discovered this image on a CF card when I quickly reviewed the images on the card using my Leaf back.  It is a straight-up long exposure night-time photograph.  The tall neo-Art Deco building is the NBC tower.  To its right along the Chicago River is the Gleacher Center, home of the University of Chicago's fantastic Basic Program--read Great Books.  Tomorrow we finish the 2nd quarter by examining the final chapters in Plato's Republic and Virginia Woolf's Room of One's Own.  Under construction in the not to distant distance is a new high-end apartment building.  It is now complete, and one of the more attractive new buildings in the City.  Love the red panels that cover the parking garage.  Red and green tinted glass.  Nice use of complementary colors.

The photograph was made on the 10th day of March 2017.